September 4, 2023

Month’s Mind | Phil FERGUSON

Dundalk, Louth


Phil’s Months Mind will be celebrated at Mass on Thursday, 14th September in 

St. Anne’s Church, Mullaghbuoy at 8pm. All very welcome. 

The Mass can be viewed live by following this link:

Prayer to St. Pio

Oh Saint Pio, witness of faith and love, we praise your life as a Capuchin friar, as a priest and as a loyal witness to Christ. Your life was marked by suffering, and we call you “A crucified without a Cross”. Love moved you to care for the sick, to attract sinners and to deeply live the mystery of the Eucharist. You powerfully interceded with God throughout your life and now you continue to intercede for us from Heaven. We rely on you, St. Pio, pray for us. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Phil will always be remembered with love by her brothers Gerard and Ambrose, sister-in-law Marion, nephews, nieces, extended family, friends and neighbours.

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