Acknowledgement | Noel McCARTNEY

Riverside Crescent, Dundalk, Louth
Angela, Greta, Andrew and families wish to make the following acknowledgement.
We would like to offer our thanks to all of Noel’s carers for all the assistance they gave him, the nurses who cared for him at home and to Danielle in Louth County Hospital for her care to Noel.
We wish to thank Iarnrod Eireann and all Noel’s neighbours and friends from Dowdallshill who looked out for him.
Our appreciation to Fr. Mark O’Hagan who celebrated a lovely Funeral Mass and for all his help and to Mary O’Hanlon and Sarah McCourt for the beautiful singing and music.
We are grateful to McCabe’s Pharmacy for looking after Noel so well. A big thank you to Annette and Gerard Quinn for everything they have done to make Noel’s funeral so personal and fitting.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Noel’s Months Mind will be celebrated at Mass on Sunday, February 18th in
St. Nicholas’ Church at 10.30am. All very welcome.
Along the road of suffering
You found a little lane;
That took you up to heaven,
And ended all your pain.
You may be out of sight,
We may be worlds apart;
But you are always
in our prayers,
And forever in our hearts.
Noel will always be remembered by his close family, cousins, relatives and friends.