February 10, 2025

Month’s Mind | Noel Begley

Edenkell, Hackballscross, Dundalk, Louth


Noel’s Months Mind will be celebrated at Mass on Sunday, 2nd March in the  

Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Brid-a-Crin at 10am.

All very welcome. 

God grant me the serenity

to accept the things

I cannot change,

courage to change the

things I can,

and the wisdom to

know the difference.

Noel will always be remembered by his wife Margaret, daughters Patricia, Briege and Siobhán, son Noel, sons-in-law, grandchildren Emma, Barry, Natasha, Nadine, Zoe, Ellie-May, Owen, Patrick, Noel and Daniel, his extended family, neighbours and friends.

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